Such a miracle week!! I don't even know where to start! It has been one of the best weeks that we have ever had here :)
So to start off with last monday, my dear companion got pulled over and didn't get a ticket which we don't even know how she got away with it! Then mamma sevy came and picked us up and we spent the day at her house with the magnolia sisters and we were outside on a walk and decided to weed her neighbors yard who was an old investigator that we were working with when I was there, and while we were doing that, 2 of her other neighbors who we had been teaching came out and saw us and we were able to talk to them again and get them to meet with the new sisters that are there now! Like that is definitely not a coinsidence!
Tuesday we had our lesson with --- with president and it went SO well! Except her new puppy was a littleeee distracting so president had to shove pamphlets in its mouth the entire time hahaha. The spirit was definitely there though. We committed her to read the book of mormon and she agreed to getting baptized once she finds out for herself that it is true. We had been fasting monday night to tuesday night with another family in the ward and their friend who they invited that day to take the missionary lessons said yes! Her name is --- and we are meeting with her and her family this week to teach them the restoration :) Another huge testimony builder to me! Miracles seriously happen when we work together with the members in the lords work! It really is an amazing feeling when us and the members are so unified and are always working and fasting and praying together for the people in our area. That truly is when we see miracles! This is how the Lord wants his work done :)
We had zone conference this week and we learned a ton about incorporating family history into our missionary work. President has asked us to spend an hour each week doing our family history and learning more about it so that we can take family names when we go to the temple, and so that we can help others to do theirs! We went with sister prince to lunch with a group of her non member friends and showed them indexing and family history and its crazy how excited and interested they were about it! So we have another appointment with them this week to do more family history. That spirit of elijah is real! Its gonna be huge in getting people to develop that interest in the gospel.
We are working with a less active family in the ward, and working especially with the mom and getting her to the temple. We actually just recently reactivated her, and she got her patriarchal blessing and was so excited this week to tell us about it and how much more she is wanting to get to the temple! It is so cool to see her progress and where she has come spiritually and the changes she is making in her life to follow the commandments. There is another less active in the ward named sister --- who was baptized about 3 years ago, and she was way active for a while actually. She went through the temple and was going really strong but recently has been going through some things and totally disappeared. No one in ward council has been able to get in with her and she hasn't been responding to calls or anything. We were able to meet with her a couple months ago and started teaching her daughter who isn't baptized, but then she even stopped responding to us. So yesterday we felt that we needed to stop by and she if she would answer. Both of us were just expecting to go knock on her door and not get an answer but she actually answered her door and let us in and we were able to visit with her for a while actually! She was acting totally normal with us too it was actually really weird but really exciting!! Huge miracle!!!! No one could even believe it. We are really hoping to be able to work with her daughter again and be able to get them at church.
Our investigator --- was at church yesterday and brought both of her parents! That is probably the biggest miracle ever! Her dad went from being totally anti, to telling her she can get baptized, to coming to church himself. The lesson in sunday school was on tithing and both of the parents were making comments in class on how much they agreed with it, which is amazing! We are going to start the lessons over with her and include her parents this time so hopefully they will want it for themselves as well!
There are so many great things happening here! The lord truly is blessing us and these ward members for their efforts and dedication to this work :) I love my calling more than anything in this world! Keep up all of your amazing efforts and include the lord in EVERYTHING you do and you will be blessed more than you can ever imagine!
love you!!!! have a great week! :)
xoxo sister huber
nothin' like cleaning out some pig pens for service! I <3 texas! |
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Zone Conference |
p day with mamma sevy and my girls! |
Sister Williams and Sister Huber - half way mark! |
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