Monday, March 31, 2014

March 31st, 2014

Well... I think all I can really say for this week is to PRAY. pray, pray, pray. for everyone here. haha. 
--- is still really struggling. We haven't heard much from her at all, and she told us that she doesn't think she will be coming to church for a while now. She still wants to be baptized next month but hasn't had any motivation to do the things that she needs to in order to prepare for it. I feel like all we can do at this point is continue to love her and be there for her! She is at this point in her life where all of these things are being thrown at her and the only thing that can heal her is The Lord. I think she has a lot of resentment built up in her heart right now, and I just keep praying for us to be able to get in with her and help her to know and feel of her heavenly father's love for her.
--- has been sick the past week and we are meeting with her tomorrow for the first time in a while! That girl is one of the busiest people I know. Makes things a little more difficult haha. Somehow we make it work though! Her baptism date is going to have to be pushed back since she hasn't been coming to church either. She said she is really looking forward to conference this weekend and we hope that it will be a turning point in her conversion! We still feel like she needs a deeper understanding and testimony of the gospel. She is definitely making her way in the right direction!
Our biggest miracle for the week happened yesterday. Our ward is seriously AMAZING at inviting their friends to hear about the gospel. like they are probably the most missionary minded ward out there! So one of the families in the ward invited a single mom named --- and her 3 kids to church yesterday, who they just met not too long ago. Their sons play on the same soccer team and they have just talked a few times at the games. --- is from russia, and she said that the only other time she has had contact with mormons is with 2 elders who live in the same apartment she does now and they run into each other a lot. Which that was another testimony builder to us because those elders have talked to her countless times before, and have invited her to learn about the gospel but she has never accepted. It just shows how important the members are in this work and how much more the lord can work through us if we are working together! So they came with the family and stayed for all 3 hours of church yesterday, and absolutely loved it. We were able to have a lesson with them after, and she just had so many really, really great questions for us. When we were talking about the book of mormon she just kept saying that she wants to read it and wants to know that it is true! The members that were there also bore very powerful testimonies that really touched her heart. She is even really looking forward to coming and watching general conference with us and we are reallyyy excited about it!
We had another week filled with service which is always good but I'm pretty sure I have never been more exhausted in my life! Saturday was definitely killer. There was a Woodlands community clean up that morning so from 8-12 we were going around and picking up trash and filled trash bag after trash bag full of garbage. Then we had to go straight from there over to this Presbyterian church for a garage sale that we were volunteering at. They had us loading these moving trucks with furniture and all these boxes and putting up & taking down tables and doing a whole bunch of boy jobs haha. Thank goodness for elders sometimes. Then after a few hours there we had to rush over to interfaith for our weekly service there and helped them out with taking donations and carrying boxes of stuff out to their shed and doing more boy jobs. hahaha. let me tell you. we do some hard work around here. for 12 hours that day we hardly had a second to even sit down and breathe. but it makes me SO grateful for my parents teaching me how to work. even though I know I was a pain and they took a lot of complaining from me over the years! You taught me how to work and the importance of it. And missionary work is no different! its hard work! but I love it :) 
The lord is giving us miracles every single day here. He promises us that! At the beginning of my mission I was expecting these crazy huge miracles every single day, and I can tell you that I was very disappointed almost every day! It took a lot of learning for me to realize how The Lord works. Yes, we are blessed with some crazy huge miracles sometimes that are very apparent. But most of the time, the miracles that we receive are simple tender mercies each day that He give to us to show us that He loves us. I have come to learn that sometimes the miracle that He gives me for the day is having a peace of mind, just simply knowing that I did my absolute best that day, even if it felt that nothing came out of it. Him helping me to feel of His spirit, and Him letting me know that I did all that was expected of me. I definitely consider that to be one of His amazing miracles! Being aware of those and recognizing those small tender mercies in my life has brought me that true happiness that I have always been searching for. When we recognize our blessings and show our gratitude for even the simplest things in life, that truly is when we are the happiest! It really is so simple!
I am so grateful to know that I have a loving Heavenly Father who is watching over me and for my savior Jesus Christ who never leaves my side. They are ALWAYS there for every single one of their children <3 how lucky are we :)
I love each and every one of you so much and am so grateful for all you do!! sure miss you tons!!
sister huber

Monday, March 24, 2014

March 24th, 2014

I am officially the luckiest girl in the world because I get to stay in my most favorite place in the whole world with my most favorite brown girl!! 3rd transfer with this crazy one! Nothing beats having your companion be your best friend! And I cant even tell you how much I LOVE this area. I remember back to when I was leaving my first area and how sad I was and how I never thought that I would love an area that much again. but boy was I wrong! Heavenly Father just keeps blessing me with the most amazing people to serve with and the most amazing experiences of my life. I finally understand how some of the hardest things in life can be the absolute greatest! My mission so far has been exactly that. It has been the hardest thing I have ever done. I am still amazed at what I have been able to accomplish with the help of our savior Jesus Christ, and what He has helped me to become. The strength that I have had for the past 10 months is way beyond my own. In every single way- spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally. everything. There isn't a single thing that I would be able to accomplish out here without Him enabling me and making me equal to all of it. Christ truly is my foundation! And the best thing is, He NEVER leaves you. He is the reason that I am here today. I am here, letting Him do His work through me. And He is helping me to change into what He wants me to become. I still have a long way to go and so many things to work on, but I am grateful for the time and opportunities I still have to get there!

We went to ---'s House Church with her this week. Its on Wednesday nights and its like a little sermon type thing in addition to their Sunday one. She goes to this non denominational church called Church Project, and I was amazed at how different the views are of the people that go there, even to each other! They went over 1 Cor. 15 and had a discussion about the resurrection and I seriously had to bite my tongue the entire time haha. I was not about to say something and get myself into trouble! It was really hard for me though to sit there and listen to some of the things that they had to say. We left just feeling awful. I can honestly say it made me a million times even more grateful for gospel and the truth that I have been blessed with and that I have a testimony of! So then --- came to church with us yesterday which we were SO excited about!! That girl... I want so badly for her to gain a solid testimony of this gospel. She is one that I have just grown to love way more than I ever expected, and I just want her to have the truth and the blessings that come from it! Its seriously like having a best friend or family member who you care about so much and you just want them to be happy. And you know that what we have will bring them that happiness! We are doing our best to get her there. But I can see how its hard for her! She has such strong beliefs in God and in her church and you can't take that away from someone! We are just trying to help her to understand the amazing truths we are trying to add upon what she already has. She's an amazing girl that's for sure!
We had a little obstacle with --- this week. So she first came into contact with the church through her boyfriend who is in our ward. He left on his mission back in November, and she started taking the discussions. He ended up coming home 5 weeks after he left, and is still here trying to get things worked out so that he can go back out on his mission. So since he has been back, they have been spending a lot of time with each other, and the concern was knowing if she is in this for herself, or if it is just for him. She's been coming to church every week and reading the book of Mormon and doing all of the things that we could ever ask out of an investigator! We have been trying to do the lessons without him there, so that she can do this on her own and not with his influence. Buuuut on Friday she texted us and told us that they broke up and that she wasn't going to make it to church on Sunday. So everything that we were worried about started happening and we didn't know what to do! She didn't end up coming to church, but we had a really good talk with her and she expressed to us her desire to continue the lessons and to be baptized. She shared her testimony with us and she said how much she knows this is true, and she wants it for herself, even if he isn't in the picture anymore. Its one of those situations where we really had to rely on the spirit and let it help us to understand where her heart is at and what exactly she needs. I am pretty amazed by her strength through all of this though! Its hard being a teenage girl sometimes! hahaha.  She knows its true and she knows that --- needs to get back out on his mission, and she is more than willing to do what they have to do even though its hard! She isn't even a member and she realizes the importance of obeying and doing what the Lord has asked of us. And doing what He asks of us is sometimes what we think to be the hardest option of them all. But I have a strong testimony that God's plan is the best plan. It never means that its going to be easy. It actually usually isn't. But it is the best :) it's all about having that eternal perspective in mind!!
It was a super great week this week because we got to go to the TEMPLE!!! My most favorite place on earth. I had a really hard time leaving this time haha. We are way too blessed to have it in our mission! Also great news for the week- ---
, one of the less actives from my last area who sister lockhart and I reactivated, is going through to get her endowments next month!!! She texted me yesterday and asked if we could be there! I love that lady so much. Its these times that make everything worth it! Being able to see where she was at when I first got there- not going to church, not happy with her life at all, to going to church every once in a while, then going every week, reading the whole book of Mormon for the first time, getting a calling, going to the temple to do baptisms, getting her patriarchal blessing, and now making it to the temple. She has had such a huge change in her heart and she just amazes me all the time! I couldn't be more happy for her, and I am so excited to be able to see her IN THE TEMPLE!!! how amazing is being a missionary?! the best thing in the world!!
LOVE YAA ALLL and miss you tons!
xoxo sister huber

Sister Ae, Mama Sevy and Sister Huber

Monday, March 17, 2014

March 17th, 2014

Hey hey!! Another crazy week down and transfers are here AGAIN! I can't even believe how fast they are going. Every transfer gets faster and faster and it needs to stop! BIshop was real worried about his missionaries leaving so he called president pingree this week and told him that he needs me and sister ae to stay here because things are seriously HAPPENING!! So I'm prettyyy sure we are gonna stay together again :) He looked at us when he got off the phone and was like Well girls, all I'm gonna say is roll up your sleeves and keep workin! haha. We have the best bishop in the world to work with. 
After a rough little bit, we were blessed with an amazing week this week! I really believe it is because we kept pushing and didn't ever give up even when it felt like most of our efforts were doing absolutely nothing. I think we are always being tested with faith and patience! Its the only way we can progress! 
We are teaching a girl named --- and taught her the 3rd lesson this past week. She was a referral from the Conroe sisters who met her while doing service at the food bank up there. This girl is one of the most prepared people ever! When we were teaching about baptism and the holy ghost, she was saying how she was baptized when she was a baby and she doesn't remember it and how much she wants to be baptized again so that she can understand and remember the promises she is making to our heavenly father. She reads all of the assignments we give her in the book of mormon and comes back with really good questions and comments about it. She hasn't been coming to church because she is scared and didn't want to do something like that by herself, but once we told her we would be with her the whole time she was totally excited about it! The date set right now for her baptism is april 19th! 
We set another baptism date yesterday with ---! Her whole outlook and attitude has changed from when we first met her and was working with her, and she has been a lot more serious about it. She received a really amazing answer about the truth of the book of mormon and this gospel that really helped her testimony become more firm! There are a few things that need to be worked out before she gets baptized, so the date we set with her is for may 3rd! We all felt strongly that this is when she will be ready, and she couldn't be more excited! We are going over all of the lessons with her again, and this time her parents will be there as well :) 
We got into another less active's home this week that we haven't been able to see in almost 2 months now! I don't know what changed, but she was so much more open than the other times we met with her, and she completely expressed to us her desire to come back to church! She was one who would always make excuses and wouldn't ever try to get work off or anything. She made sure that she got next sunday off and said that she would be there! She is definitely making changes in her life to help her come closer to the savior and its always so amazing to see the hearts of these people being softened! I remember when we very first got to this area, bishop said that the day he sees her at church, will be the best day of his life haha. 
We are like way beyond excited about all of the AMAZING miracles that the lord is bringing to this ward! I can't even think of anything more rewarding than being able to watch these people grow and change through their conversion in this gospel. Its definitely been a week full of blessings and it's only going to get better! 
LOTS of love from your woodlands sisters <3 


Our Friends from the South side!  Our mission is definitely better than theirs ;)

Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10th, 2014

HEY! so we are emailing kinda early today cause we got permission from president to go downtown to reliant stadium with one of our members to the RODEO! Its absolutely hugeee here so we're pretty excited :)
not too great of a week this week but I learned pretty quickly that a mission is full of amazing weeks and some not so amazing weeks even when you are working your absolute hardest! And I'm okay with that! I went on an exchange up to montgomery this week which was SO fun. Its like complete opposite from the woodlands. Its all country up there and the people are so great :) I was pretty excited to go back to working in the trailer parks haha. their bishop told me that he's gonna put in a request for me to go up there next ;)  Me and sister ae were talking though this week about serving in the woodlands and how its the wealthiest area in the mission and how our district is one of the lowest baptizing districts in the mission cause we cover all of the wards here in the woodlands and how difficult that can be sometimes. I actually went from my last area which was in the highest baptizing zone and district in the mission to the lowest. haha. funny how that works sometimes. But we were talking about how much we love it here and wouldn't change it for anything! Its definitely hard. Harder than I ever expected it to be. But we know we are here for a reason :) I love it here because it has helped me to grow and to strengthen myself as a missionary. It has taught me so many lessons that I have needed to learn, that I don't think I would have ever learned in my last area. Its all about working hard, having faith in christ, and following the spirit in everything it tells you to do. I wouldn't say we have had tons and tons of "success" here, but we feel successful here because we know at the end of each day that we did exactly everything that the lord expected of us and everything is according to His will. And this is His will right now! Its His work not ours! I have worked harder here than I ever have in my whole life. Its a really amazing feeling :) And I absolutely love it!! 
We were able to do more family history this week with the coffee ladies! They were getting super into it which was fun to be able to help them :) we are gonna be working with them every week now! One of the ladies has met with missionaries before and has been taught the lessons so we are working on hopefuly getting those started up again with her and her family! 
--- talked to bishop this week and said that after our visit with her, she has been praying about having her daughter be baptized. So prayers are with them this week!!!! We are reallyy praying that she will finally take that step with her. Cause she is so ready!
--- went out of town for a couple of weeks for spring break but her parents have said that they are wanting to come back to church when they get back, and --- will hopefully be ready to set another baptism date! She is in moroni already in the book of mormon and is soaking it all in! She is probably our most progressing investigator right now. 
We reactivated another family in the ward, and they met with bishop and are preparing to go through the temple next month!!! how exciting is that?! This is what missionary work is all about!!!
There's a quote in pmg that says the key to missionary work, is work. It really is that simple! Work hard, and by the spirit, and miracles happen!!! No matter how big or small they may seem, miracles are happening every single day :) The lord is guiding every single step!
I love you sooo so much and hope you have another great week!! lots of love from the woodlands! <3 
sister huber

Monday, March 3, 2014

March 3rd, 2014

Such a miracle week!! I don't even know where to start! It has been one of the best weeks that we have ever had here :)
So to start off with last monday, my dear companion got pulled over and didn't get a ticket which we don't even know how she got away with it! Then mamma sevy came and picked us up and we spent the day at her house with the magnolia sisters and we were outside on a walk and decided to weed her neighbors yard who was an old investigator that we were working with when I was there, and while we were doing that, 2 of her other neighbors who we had been teaching came out and saw us and we were able to talk to them again and get them to meet with the new sisters that are there now! Like that is definitely not a coinsidence!
Tuesday we had our lesson with --- with president and it went SO well! Except her new puppy was a littleeee distracting so president had to shove pamphlets in its mouth the entire time hahaha. The spirit was definitely there though. We committed her to read the book of mormon and she agreed to getting baptized once she finds out for herself that it is true. We had been fasting monday night to tuesday night with another family in the ward and their friend who they invited that day to take the missionary lessons said yes! Her name is --- and we are meeting with her and her family this week to teach them the restoration :) Another huge testimony builder to me! Miracles seriously happen when we work together with the members in the lords work! It really is an amazing feeling when us and the members are so unified and are always working and fasting and praying together for the people in our area. That truly is when we see miracles! This is how the Lord wants his work done :)
We had zone conference this week and we learned a ton about incorporating family history into our missionary work. President has asked us to spend an hour each week doing our family history and learning more about it so that we can take family names when we go to the temple, and so that we can help others to do theirs! We went with sister prince to lunch with a group of her non member friends and showed them indexing and family history and its crazy how excited and interested they were about it! So we have another appointment with them this week to do more family history. That spirit of elijah is real! Its gonna be huge in getting people to develop that interest in the gospel.
We are working with a less active family in the ward, and working especially with the mom and getting her to the temple. We actually just recently reactivated her, and she got her patriarchal blessing and was so excited this week to tell us about it and how much more she is wanting to get to the temple! It is so cool to see her progress and where she has come spiritually and the changes she is making in her life to follow the commandments. There is another less active in the ward named sister --- who was baptized about 3 years ago, and she was way active for a while actually. She went through the temple and was going really strong but recently has been going through some things and totally disappeared. No one in ward council has been able to get in with her and she hasn't been responding to calls or anything. We were able to meet with her a couple months ago and started teaching her daughter who isn't baptized, but then she even stopped responding to us. So yesterday we felt that we needed to stop by and she if she would answer. Both of us were just expecting to go knock on her door and not get an answer but she actually answered her door and let us in and we were able to visit with her for a while actually! She was acting totally normal with us too it was actually really weird but really exciting!! Huge miracle!!!! No one could even believe it. We are really hoping to be able to work with her daughter again and be able to get them at church.
Our investigator --- was at church yesterday and brought both of her parents! That is probably the biggest miracle ever! Her dad went from being totally anti, to telling her she can get baptized, to coming to church himself. The lesson in sunday school was on tithing and both of the parents were making comments in class on how much they agreed with it, which is amazing! We are going to start the lessons over with her and include her parents this time so hopefully they will want it for themselves as well!
There are so many great things happening here! The lord truly is blessing us and these ward members for their efforts and dedication to this work :) I love my calling more than anything in this world! Keep up all of your amazing efforts and include the lord in EVERYTHING you do and you will be blessed more than you can ever imagine!
love you!!!! have a great week! :)
xoxo sister huber

nothin' like cleaning out some pig pens for service! I <3 texas!

Zone Conference

p day with mamma sevy and my girls!

Sister Williams and Sister Huber - half way mark!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

February 24th, 2014


Another crazy week down! These girls took a turn for the better and things are definitely happenin here! We spent almost all week during our companion studies reading talks about consecration and really evaluating what more we can do to become better and its amazing the blessings that we have already seen by making those little changes that might be holding us back!
As a zone we have been keeping track and reporting our ITL's (invitations to learn) because obviously the more people we talk to and the more people we invite the more success we will have! We didn't really realize how awful we have been at it. Its kind of embarrassing actually! The goal is 35 per day and right now that's what we are at per week. Haha. So we put our pride aside and started knocking doors again! what what! I have to say some of our best stories are tracting stories so it makes for some good fun :) Plus if anything, it shows the lord that we are putting the effort in and He will bless us in other ways! We have already gotten 3 new referrals since then!

President Pingree came to our district meeting on Friday and oh my goodness we probably had one of the most spiritual experiences we have in a longgg time. We were doing our practice teach with some other sisters and president came over and sat in on it and was teaching with us and we felt that we needed to practice teaching ---. We have been working with her for forever but she just is really struggling with making commitments and acting on what we have been sharing with her. We are on a really good friend level but we need to get out of that whole best friend thing and buckle down on the whole conversion thing. So we went through and taught the whole first lesson, which was the most inspired lesson I have probably ever taught. Afterwards we were evaluating and they were telling us their thoughts and impressions on what they think might be holding --- back, which was totally inspired because they have never met this girl but what they said what exactly what makes sense as to why she is so hesitant. President made some really inspired comments as well. Its amazing how strong the spirit was there and was working through all of us to help us to know what exactly she needs! I have never really gotten that much out of a practice teach before cause we usually are all just doing it because we know we have to but those things are real! Sister Ae afterwards was totally joking with president and was like "so you are coming with us to our appointment with her on Tuesday right?" And he pauses for a sec and was like "Can I please? Tell me what time and I will be there! I really want to come teach her now!" hahaha I don't think he takes those things as a joke because now we have him teaching her with us tomorrow! Talk about intimidating! We are really excited though and really feel that it is going to be a turning point in her conversion! We are praying for some serious miracles this week :)
The Lord is definitely there and is mindful of ALL of His children! It always is so amazing to me that He works those miracles through us as His servants and how much it changes us! He is no doubt my best friend!
I love you allll and hope you have a great week :):)
xoxo sister huber