okay first of all my mission is probably the best in the ENTIRE WORLD! not even kidding. all of the missionaries are so great and I feel way too blessed to be here. it was temple week this week! we are SO blessed to be able to have the houston temple in our mission and we get to go each transfer! oh my goodness. it was such a cool experience. we all went as a zone, and we fasted all that day for our areas and specifically for an area that doesnt have any investigators. its amazing the impact it had on all of us.
we are teaching a 13 year old girl named --. her dad is a member but has been inactive for years now. her mom is methodist I think? she and her little brother live with their dad cause the parents are divorced. she first learned about the church because all of her friends are actually in our ward! so we started teaching her this week and she is so excited about it. the problem with this is since she isnt 18, we have to have both of her parents permission to continue the discussions. she wants to get baptized so bad and she loves going to church! she also goes to mutual every week and is reading the book of mormon and she gets so so excited about it. she told us that she has been searching for answers how to get closer to god and she knows that this gospel is what makes her the happiest. her dad is very happy about it and said that some of the best times in his life was when he was a youth in the church. the mom on the other hand isnt as excited. she agreed to let -- take the discussions, but isnt agreeing to her getting baptized yet. we think it is just a matter of time! I love this girl so much and can see the happiness that this gospel is bringing her.
now.. here is the exciting part of the week.. yesterday the assistants had a baptism and they told us about it so that we could invite some of our investigators to come. we are struggling with getting -- to church, and when we met with him on saturday he said that he isnt going to committ to anything yet but that the time is getting close. he didnt come to church again yesterday, so we were really bummed about that. but -- was there! im not sure if I have said anything about --. his wife is a member, and they have a 5 year old son named --. he grew up lutheran and when they got married, she fell away from the church for a little bit. he recently has had a huge interest in the church, and they have all been coming each week as a family! we told him about the baptism and he and -- were both so excited about it and so we went with them. so we get to the church last night with -- and his family, and --- SHOWS UP!! --- CAME TO THE BAPTISM! his wife told us that he randomly put his church clothes on and was like lets go to this baptism! he told us that he wanted to surprise us hahaha. oh my goodness you have NO IDEA how happy that made us. probably the best day ever. so I sat with -- and -- and sister lockhart sat with -- and his family. After the baptism, sister lockhart said that she turned to -- and was like "does this make you excited for your baptism?" kind of joking around. and he started talking about how he cant wait to get baptized and how badly he wants to go to the temple with his wife and how he is going to baptize -- when he is 8. is that not the coolest thing ever?! -- turned to me after and was asking about the temple and asked if our next lesson we could go there and have it in the waiting room because he wants to feel the spirit there. he said now he knows why we are so bubbly and excited about things like this hahaha. it was such a good experience and I know the spirit was there working on those men! prayer works guys! haha we prayed all week for --- to come to church or the baptism. we were happy with either one and it worked!! sister lockhart and I were saying how funny it is the things we get excited about here. haha they are such little things but they seriously make us so happy!
I love you all so much and I feel your prayers each day! you all are such great examples to me and I love hearing about your cool experiences you are having back at home! you dont have to be on a mission to experience the miracles of this work! its gonna be another great week!
sister huber
Everything is in Spanish |
Sister Huber's first day driving... flat tire! |
Plus humidity! |
Twins! |
Sister's in her District |
Temple Day |
Houston Temple |
Temple Day |
Sister Huber's Zone |
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