even mission families are forever <3
Who knew a mission would bring so many wild emotions...
Its been one of those weeks where I think I have felt every single emotion in the entire world. But it has also been one of the most amazing weeks in such a unique way.
We were SO blessed to be able to have the opportunity to attend the temple this week with President and Sister Pingree and also the temple president and his wife. If I were to list the top moments of my entire life- this would probably up there at #1.
It. Was. Incredible. Words cant even begin to describe it. It was a once in a life time experience that I will never forget.
It was a little bit of what Heaven is going to be like. The Pingrees welcomed each missionary into the Celestial room one by one, and wrapped their arms around us. In that moment, president whispered into my ear "I love you. And I am so proud of you and who you've become" I couldn't help but think of leaving this life, and being welcomed into Heaven by our Heavenly Father and Mother and them just wrapping their arms around each one of their children and telling them how much they love them. Being able to watch other missionaries have that same experience, and seeing the love that was radiating from everyone was something I can't even describe. It literally felt like we were in Heaven. I will never forget the spirit that was there. We are all one big family here in the THM <3 and it was bittersweet knowing that things would never be the same. Having to say goodbye to the Pingrees brought lots of tears. That might even be an understatement haha. I don't think any of us thought that it would be so hard! It was really, really hard.
They are 2 of the most amazing people I have ever met. Being able to serve with them for the past 13 months has been the biggest blessing of my entire life. I know without a doubt that Heavenly Father knew I needed each of them in my life. President not only helped me to become a missionary, but he helped me to become the daughter of God that I have the potential to be. Through his loving guidance and example, I have received a whole new perspective on life. President Pingree changed my life, and I will eternally be grateful to him and his sweet family <3 They definitely left their mark here in Houston & served with absolutely everything that they have, and they are going to be missed way more than they will ever know!
I'm trying to be okay with this whole change thing. I hate change sometimes haha. President and Sister Mortensen and their family get here tonight and the Pingree's fly out & leave in the morning! Things are crazy. So sad. So exciting. Lots of crazy emotions flying around here but its all gonna work out cause it always does!
Heavenly Father has a plan. And this is just part of it :) My heart is so full and I am way too blessed!!
We had a really cool lesson with V-- this week.
He began by saying that his boss asked him to stay and work a couple more weekends because they have an event coming up and need the help. He asked us if it was okay if he held off coming to church for couple more weeks. We told him that it was completely up to him and it was whatever he felt like he needed to do! So he said that he would pray about it and see. So we watched a conference talk by President Monson on prayer and receiving answers to prayer, and afterwards we were all talking about the thoughts and feelings we had as he was speaking. Viet just looked at us and said "Sister Loo & Sister Huber, I received my answer, and I need to be at church on Sunday. I am going to call my boss after this and tell him that I can't work anymore". :) it was one of those proud parent moments I feel like haha. Do we not have the best investigators in the entire world?!
Another highlight of the week was our lesson with B--. He is with the summer sales group! He was a pretty big punk at first hahaha. But boy has he softened up! The spirit is literally changing this boy completely. It has been so neat to see. We have to get creative with our lessons to keep things exciting for him so we related the whole restoration lesson to longboarding. And yes, we were very proud of it haha. He accepted baptism!! So exciting!
Everyone else is still doing really well! Lots of investigators progressing so we can't complain! :) Kp received the priesthood yesterday so that was really special. He just continues to amaze us every single day! Rumor is, he is going to baptize V-- :) How cool is that?!?! They make us so happy haha.
Heavenly Father is hastening his work here big time!! We are too blessed!
I hope everyone has another amazing week OUTSIDE of this Houston humidity! Enjoy it for me :):) haha LOVE YOU!!!!!
sister huber
the greatest people you will ever meet <3
Sister Loo and Sister Huber |
painting mike's house with Isaaclyn! |
the greatest gospel principles class ever! |
our people > your people :) |
Sister Loo's Birthday |
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Temple Training |
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