We had 2 exchanges this week- I went to the Bridgeland area and Sister Loo went to Silver Pines. We have definitely developed an appreciation for them!! We saw SO many miracles and it is always so fun to be able to see how other areas function. But it is always so nice to be able to be back with each other :)
I was with Sister Heaps one day, and we had about 15 minutes until our next appointment so we decided to pray and see where HF wanted for us to go and find. We drove past this street called Utah Ct. and I was like, we should defs go knocking doors in there! The first door we knocked on, this lady answered the door and let us in. She is from Kenya, and was telling us that she grew up Christian, but never really had a religion. We taught her the whole restoration, and at the end she committed to reading the BOM and being baptized!!! The spirit that was there was incredible. Its amazing how quickly she accepted it, and we know it was because the spirit was testifying of the truth to her right there! It was one of the coolest moments on my mission. I told the sisters to keep me posted on her :) We also taught --- - ---'s little brother- and he committed to baptism on the 28th! Sadly he is only 17 so we aren't able to teach him, but it is so cool to see all of the miracles coming from ---'s baptism!
On Sister Loo's exchange, they tracted into a 19 year old boy named ---, and he was busy at the time so they gave him a pass along card and said to call us if he is ever interested. Well, no one ever calls when you give them a pass along card. haha. But yesterday morning before church, he called us and said he wanted to come to church!! So we found him a ride and he stayed for all 3 hours! The boys in this ward are seriously amazing at fellowshipping our investigators. We had 6 investigators at church yesterday, and each one had at least 2 people talking with them and sitting with them, and Sister Loo and I were just like not even knowing what we should do because the ward was taking care of every single one of them! It is the best thing ever. So one of the boys invited Will to FHE and basketball tonight and said he's going! Miracle right there!!!
It was temple week this week! Best week ever!!! Its always so hard for us to leave. I don't think I really developed that strong love for the temple until my mission. Every time we go, I love it SO much more. Sister Loo and I said when we go home we will probs go every single day haha. Its like my new favorite hobby. Don't take the temple for granted!!!! Go as often as you can! Its amazing the strength that comes from it. The spirit I feel in there is my most favorite thing in the whole entire world.
We taught --- this week and read from the BOM with her, and she agreed to being baptized! We don't have a date with her yet. She only has weekend jobs so pray she finds a new one soon so she can come to church!!
We were able to meet with --- for the first time since her surgery. She is very diligent in reading the BOM, but is hung up on priesthood authority. Its really hard for her to completely understand and accept. She can't really progress any more until she prays and receives an answer to find out for herself that it is true!
--- is the exact same way. They both dig super deep into the doctrine- which can be very difficult at times haha. They are testing our knowledge thats for sure. Keeps us on our toes :) And they both have such a strong desire to know the truth! They are both just hung up on the priesthood authority and thats what holds EVERY LITTLE THING together. So its kinda a big thing to be hung up on! They are both so amazing though. And once they find out its true, they will accept and embrace the gospel with their whole hearts and it will be really cool to see. Just gotta break down this wall we have ran into somehow!
-- AND --- ARE GETTING BAPTIZED ON SATURDAY!!! Hands down this is going to be the #1 moment of my entire mission. Maybe my whole life haha. We are so excited!! They are just the cutest ever! In less than a month, they have completely changed their lives and become a part of this gospel. I have never seen anyone love it as much as they do. Their countenances have changed so much and every time we see them their faces just light up and they radiate the spirit. I can't wait to see them after they are baptized and have the HG!
Also Sister Loo and I have planned a trip with --- to go back to Africa with her :) And we are like 100% serious about this. I cant wait :)
--- is cute as ever. She asked her BF's dad to baptize her and she is super excited about it! Next weekend is the big day! We are so excited!
We have been so blessed with so many people to teach! We are worried that they will all get baptized and then we are going to wonder what to do haha. But we keep finding more and more people and I know the only way its all happening is because of The Lord! When He says He is hastening His work, He means it!!
I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!!! I am way to blessed and I just don't know what I did to deserve all this!
I love every single one of you so much and am so grateful for you! Stay true to the faith! The Church is true!!
sister huber
Sister Loo & I at the temple on a rainy day! |
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Postcard of the Week |
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