hey hey!
oh my goodness. I LOVE THIS WARD. seriously its like amazing. The bishop LOVES us. sounds prideful but really haha. He told the members that we aren't allowed to leave their homes without them giving us a referral which isnt an issue cause the members here are constantly giving both us and the elders referrals. Its amazing haha. They just get it here. Its a ward where both the members and the missionaries all work together and get things done. They are so supportive and have such a love for the work and they all are so good at reaching out to their friends. No one here is scared of sharing the gospel. Which seriously blows my mind! I am amazed at how solid the members are here.
We are working with like 6 part member families right now. Some are progressing more than others. One of them the mom is a less active in the ward and after meeting with her once she expressed her desire to come back to church and asked us if we would teach her kids and grandkids living with her the discussions. it was so crazy. another one the husband is a very active member and his wife isnt a member. all of their kids are older and they all served missions. He works at the temple a couple times a week too. So this lady has just been swarmed with the church since they have been married for years and years and hasnt ever joined! the crazy thing is that her kids all went on missions and some actually are serving in bishoprics in their wards. She obviously doesnt have anything against the church! So the husband came up to us at church yesterday and told us his little game plan to get her baptized haha. He was like its time sisters its time!
Here's what I have learned about this area though. There isn't really a lack of investigators. We are actually teaching like crazy. The thing is though, people here are obviously content with their lifestyle cause they all have the $$ and nothing seems to be going wrong in their lives. Cause they all are living great and are super happy people! They all are super nice and welcoming to us too. But we have to push for everyyy inch we can get with them. I feel like my last area the struggle was finding them. But once we found them and started teaching them it was a breeze. Here its the total opposite. Finding them and teaching them is the easy part. Cause the ward is super involved in that. Its getting them to actually progess thats the struggle. Buuut ya know you gotta have all types I guess! I was reading in the BOM this morning and came across a scripture that is super random and I could swear I've never read it even though I'm sure I have like 20 times. But for some reason it stood out to me. Its words of mormon 1:7. I've been learning to have a lot of patience lately. And I've really been having to humble myself before the Lord and do things according to His will and not my own. Its been one of those things where I'm sure He is just like 'seriously sara let me take control and just listen to me cause I know what I'm doing!' I'm not the one doing the work here. He is, He is simply just working through me to do what He wants, not what I want. So I'm working on my stubbornness. :) I guess I also have to work on my speaking skills cause for some reason everyone thinks its a good Idea to have me speak at things and I dont know why haha. We are having this big christmas mission conference on friday and president called me and asked if I would give a talk in front of the entire mission. so wish me luck on this one cause its gonna be interesting! We have an exciting week ahead of us though! Its warming up thank goodness and I think we have a week of 70's coming up :) at christmas time :) nothing can go wrong! counting my blessings here haha. god bless texas <3
I love you so so much and hope you have the best week ever!
sister huber
Oh just an 80 year old turtle. Did I mention I hate animals? |
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Using Time Productively Training Conference |
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