Just enjoying another beautiful day in H town! I have never been so ready to start a new week. haha. missionaries definitely have their weeks. but it just brings so much more determination to push through even harder the next! This sounds kinda pathetic. But I feel like ever since I have gotten here things have been so great and we always had great investigators and tons of success and as we work hard day after day we see the blessings almost instantly. But I think Heavenly Father is wanting to test me a whole lot more right now! hahaha. I just say bring it. Its discouraging when you are working your hardest and you don't see anything great coming out of it. But its helped me to learn to rely on Him more and align my will with His and let things happen on His timing! He lets us struggle sometimes. And I have realized its a blessing when He does. I don't think I have ever said I am grateful for the struggles in my life until now.
We had zone conferences this week with president! I know I say this almost every week. But President Pingree is hands down the best mission president in the world. Everyone in the mission is convinced that we were all sent here because we needed him as our mission president! He and sister pingree are absolutely perfect.
We had a whole lesson on being missionaries in the bible belt and comparing the godhead and the trinity and how that is the biggest difference in their beliefs vs ours. 86% of converts come from either the protestant faith (lutheran, methodist, baptist) or Catholicism. So we were told to start looking in the pews of other faiths and start preaching! We actually are teaching --- and ---, a couple who is methodist. --- used to be baptist but then started going to the methodist church with renee. We taught them the first lesson and they were all over it and they are coming to church with us this week. She has already read the whole book of mormon and loves it! We tracted into them one day, and we know the Lord led us to them because they are so prepared. --- is also starting the lessons this week! She is the excommunicated member who like when I got here was like you better not even mention the discussions when you visit me! hahaha. She has had such a change of heart and a huge desire to be baptized again and get back on the right path. I have grown to love her a ton over the past few months.
We actually did really good on lessons this week. Taught a good amount of people! We are working really closely with the members which has been so much fun. This ward really is so great! Never a dull moment though. This one lady faked an entire pregnancy which was crazy. Talk about drama hahaha. Thats a whole other story. anyways, everything here is great! loving every single moment! apparently halloween here is sketch so we have to be locked up in our apartments by 6 haha. safety first I guess! haha hope you all have a great week! love you!!!!
sister huber
Zone Conference |
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