Monday, February 3, 2014

February 3rd, 2014

dear family,
it was such a spirit filled week this week! i was blessed with so many experiences that really increased my testimony. we had one of the most amazing experiences teaching the restoration last night to president and sister chappell. he is a counselor to president pingree and they are in our ward and have asked us if we would teach them the lessons! we have been teaching that lesson a ton this week, to both members and non members. i dont think i have ever taught it so much in one week ever! like we were teaching it at least twice a day every day in the past week. and we have gotten into such a routine with it that sometimes i wonder if the spirit is even there or if we have just been saying a bunch of memorized words. but the spirit that was in that room last night was seriously stronger than I have ever felt it before. i think even for me it was a huge conversion moment. the spirit that was there as we were teaching about joseph smith and the book of mormon was something i cant even describe. my love and understanding of joseph smith and this restored gospel was increased more than it has ever been before. how blessed am I to be able to share this amazing message with people every single day! It was also a huge testimony builder to me on fasting, and how in tune with the spirit you can be when you are fasting with a purpose. I don't think anything is more powerful than that! We did a FHE at a members house last night with their non member friends and we had been fasting and praying with this family for them to have missionary opportunities and to find people to be taught in their home and the Lord responded to their righteous desires! They have been really looking out for people they know who really needs the gospel in their life and HF placed these 2 amazing women in their path. Their names are --- and --- and boy are they prepared! We shared a message with them and then had a testimony meeting and those girls have the most amazing testimonies ever. It was just one of those days where you go home and are so spiritually exhausted you can't go anymore. Its probably the best feeling in the world! I'm definitely striving to have way more days like those.
Nothing is real new here in the woodlands! It sure is great though! :) We have transfer calls again on Sunday. I don't really know where the past 6 weeks have gone but they have gone wayyy too fast thats for sure :) I hope you all are doing well! Love and miss you!!!!
xoxo sister huber

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