Faith brings MIRACLES!
Well here we are another week down! I can't even believe it!
Sister Fullmer and I have kinda been in the slums lately and we were really starting to get down on ourselves. I don't even know what it was but we were just strugglin to get motivated and to really know what The Lord wanted us to do in this area. We've been praying and praying for help... and I've learned on my mission that HF ALWAYS answers every single prayer! Well President Mortensen reached out to us the other day out of nowhere and challenged us to extend a baptism commitment EVERY SINGLE DAY. yeah whaaat? Every day. Nothing like a good challenge to get some sister missionaries motivated! Boy did we get what we asked for! We had to completely change our mindsets and we knew that we needed to have faith in this challenge or nothing would come from it. The second we had complete faith in The Lord, we saw the miracles! We had a lesson with Steven, and before we went into this lesson we prayed with more faith than I think I ever have in a prayer before. For real. I hadn't realized until then, the lack of faith that I had been having. I didn't realize how much I had been relying on my own strength and knowledge instead of the lords. In that prayer when we handed everything over to Him, I could literally feel the change in us. I knew right then that The Lord truly was in control, and I knew that He would guide us. This prayer literally changed everything!
We had one of the most amazing lessons with S..., and we committed him to be baptized on the 29th! I don't think y'all understand how big of a step this was for him. Like I'm still amazed! He said he wanted to do a 24 hour fast with us so that he could be completely at peace with this decision, and to have the strength to face his family with it. He could use all the prayers he can get this week!!!
I wish I could share with you all of the miracles that we've been given in just these few short days! It really has been so incredible!
The Lord has helped me to really understand the power of faith. There is such a power in having complete faith in Him! I had been complicating everything and making things so much harder than they had to be! When really the lord was waiting for me to humble myself before Him, and let Him show us His miracles. This is not our work! This is the lord's work, and we are simply His tools. I know that as we faithfully rely on Him in everything that we do, and find out what His ways are instead of our own, that He will pour out His blessings upon us and our lives will be so much better than we could ever imagine! He is waiting to bless us. And it all comes down to our Faith in Him :)
“Dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.”—Ether 12:6
I love you all so much! I seriously have the greatest family and friends in the world!
Hope you have a wonderful week! :)
xoxo sister huber
p-day in the city :) |
Ericka at the temple! |
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Mission Leadership Council |
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